The sales report is to report all sales over a selected period. The report can be exported but this option is only available when the Order/Subtotal is set to the default selection of Date.
The report has a number of filters as shown in the screen example below:
Multiple selections of the filter will require all filters to be true for a record to show - not just any of the filters. This means that some multiple filter selections may be contradictory resulting in no records. The filter fields are explained as follows:
Date Type: This selects the date type that will be used in the From and To fields immediately below. The options are as follows:
Created. The date the booking was created whether confirmed or not.
Confirmed. The date the booking was confirmed from either the status of on request or hold and may be later than the created date.
Arrival. The arrival date for room bookings and the start date for extras bookings.
Departure. The departure date for room bookings and the end date for extras bookings.
Occupied. The date where a room or extras booking spans part or all of the date range. So if some part of the booking range falls within the selected date range it will be included. Note that departure date is NOT included in the selection for this option. The To date refers to the date of the last night of stay.
Invoiced. The date which bookings and extras were assigned to an invoice.
Note that the Occupied date type will affect the amount of the booking displayed in the report. See explanations of screen fields below for more detail.
From: The arrival or start date of the booking.
To: The departure or end date of the booking.
Room Type: Select a room type and the report will be limited to only those bookings that have been assigned this room type.
Room Group: Will only display if room reporting groups have been setup. If so, this selection will limit the report to only those bookings that are assigned to this room reporting group.
Rate Type: Select a rate type and the report will be limited to only those bookings that have been assigned to this rate type.
Room Group: Will only display if rate reporting groups have been setup. If so, this selection will limit the report to only those bookings that are assigned to this rate reporting group.
Booking Group: Will only display if booking reporting groups have been setup. If so, this selection will limit the report to only those bookings that are assigned to this booking reporting group.
Incl Cancelled: If ticked will include cancelled bookings in the report. If not ticked, will exclude cancelled bookings.
Value. This has three options:
All. The default and will mean all values will be displayed.
Non Zero. This selection will filter out any $0 value bookings.
Only Zero. This selection will only display non $0 value bookings.
Charge Type. This has two options:
Rooms. If selected will only show room booking items and exclude extras items.
Extras. If selected will only show extras booking items and exclude room items.
OTA/Company. This will limit to the report to only display booking items that have are on bookings assigned to the selected agent or company.
Book Ref: A free form field that allows the entry of a booking number. If it exists it will be displayed even it if does not match the other filters as this is specific to a single booking only.
Charge Code: If set will display only those booking items that have been assigned to this charge code.
Extra: If set, will display only those booking items that belong to the selected extra.
Extras Group: Will only display if extras reporting groups have been setup. If so, this selection will limit the report to only those bookings that are assigned to this extras reporting group.
Guest Country: Will only display those booking itesm that have a guest which is from the country selected in this field. There is an option for displaying all records where no country has been entered into the booking.
How Found: Will only display those booking items where the booking how found field has been set to one of the values listed.
Order/Subtotal: The default is by Date and it will sort the list to be in descending date order of the date type selected. The other options include:
Ref will sort the list in descending order of booking reference number. It will also subtotal the list for each change in booking ref number.
OTA/Company will sort the list in ascending order of agent or company assigned to the booking. It will also subtotal the list for each change in the OTA/Company.
Charge Code will sort the list in ascending order of charge code assigned to the booking item. It will also subtotal the list for each change in the charge code.
Room Group. This will only display if room reporting groups have been defined. If so, will sort the list in ascending order of the room group assigned to the booking item. It will also subtotal the list for each change in the room group.
Rate Group. This will only display if rate reporting groups have been defined. If so, will sort the list in ascending order of the rate group assigned to the booking item. It will also subtotal the list for each change in the rategroup.
Booking Group. This will only display if booking reporting groups have been defined. If so, will sort the list in ascending order of the booking group assigned to the booking item. It will also subtotal the list for each change in the booking group.
Extra Group. This will only display if extras reporting groups have been defined. If so, will sort the list in ascending order of the extra group assigned to the booking item. It will also subtotal the list for each change in the extra group.
Search Button. If clicked will return the list of booking items that match the search criteria. Note that if one of the reporting group options is chosen and a line item belongs to more than one option for the selected reporting group, it will find the first option it belongs to and will display it in that group. It will not repeat for other options it belongs to otherwise the results will have incorrect subtotals and totals.
Export Button. Will only show if the Order/Subtotal is set to Date. It will enable an export if a csv format of all booking items that match the search criteria. It will have more fields available that cannot be displayed in the screen due to space constraints.
Screen Fields
This area is dedicated to displaying the booking items that are returned from the search. An example of a non sub grouped display is shown below:
An example of a listing sub grouped on booking reference is shown below:
The screen fields that are displayed in this screen are explained as follows:
Property: The property this booking belongs. Only relevant for multi property accounts.
Item: For room type bookings, this is the room type. For extras type bookings, this is the extra title.
Rate: Only relevant for room type bookings and displays the rate type used.
Ref: The booking reference number. This has a hyperlink will launch the booking if clicked. Note that blue coloured numbers are active bookings whereas red coloured are cancelled bookings.
Name: The name of the lead guest on the booking.
Channel/Agent/Company: The sales channel, agent or company name this booking is for.
Date: This shows the date depending on the date type selected. If the date type is set to Confirmed then this will display the date this booking item was confirmed. If set to any other date type, this field will show the created date.
From: The arrival date for room type booking items and start date for extras type booking items.
To: The departure date for room type booking items and end date for extras type booking items.
Charge Code: The charge code the booking item has been assigned to.
Amnt Inc Tax: The value of this booking item inclusive of tax. Note that if the date type is set to Occupied, the value will be proportionate on the amount of the duration of the booking within the selected dates. For example if a booking is 10 nights and a total value of $1,000 and only 2 nights are within the selected date range, the amount displayed will be $200.
Amnt Exc Tax: The value of this booking item exclusive of tax. The same rules apply for the date set to Occupied as for Amnt Inc Tax above.
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