The Occupancy Pace Report is based on your Occupancy & Revenue report in iBex.
It will display the occupancy based on the property total.
How does this graph work?
This graph displays your occupancy percentage based on today's date, and compares your occupancy as it was tracking at the same time last year, and the year prior.
Similar to the Revenue Pace Graph, the green bars are displaying my future occupancy statistics; covering from today (November 2019) through to October 2020.
So how am I tracking?
In the example graph above, you can see that our occupancy for 20 November 2019 is currently down from the previous years. Now might be a good time to send a mail-out to your customer database, post a special discount on social media, or create a last minute rate to try to attract some last minute sales to help try to reach full occupancy.
*Keep in mind you still have 10 days left in the month to sell more rooms, and bring your occupancy up higher.
Looking forward at this time of the year, there is a trend of low occupancy 5+ months into the future.
My common lead time for bookings is within 1-5 months of arrival.
*I might want to consider an Early Bird special, to help boost bookings for 5+ months arrival in advance, and increase my lead times.
My overall occupancy for June commonly seems to be around 50%.
*Maybe I should start to consider some mid year packages and email campaigns to help increase my occupancy for this month. I could also reduce my cleaning staff at this time of year, until the occupancy for June starts to increase.
- Today (20th November 2019), my total occupancy for this month is currently 94%.
- At this time last year, my occupancy for November 2018 was 96%.
- At this time 2 years ago, my occupancy for November 2017 was 98%.
Important Notes
- The report includes (Instant) Confirmed Bookings and Held Bookings.
- Web Exclusions are still included in the occupancy report, as the Web Exclusion will still allow for staff to make bookings back-end, which can override the exclusion.
- Full Exclusions are omitted from your occupancy report, as this setting renders the unit un-bookable.
- Unit Types which are not enabled for the Occupancy & Revenue report, will also not display statistics on the dashboard's Occupancy Pace Report (refer to screenshot below).
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