Group bookings allow an easy way of adding multiple rooms into a single booking.
New Booking
Commence making a New Booking from the menu in iBex (or through the Full Booking option on the Quick New Booking window). You can add multiple rooms to the booking by selecting the Rooms tab during the booking process.
Click on the date selector and change to the required date, or just amend the number of nights.
TIP A single room, or group of rooms, within a booking can have different arrival and/or departure dates to other rooms within the same booking. It's advisable to select the date range for the room with longest stay involved in the group, when creating a group booking. Once the booking is made, a single room or group of rooms can be altered to have different arrival/departure dates. |
Select the Room Type to book and the available units will automatically appear in the table.
You can add units either by individually by ticking the units in the available list, or you can enter the number of units in the Units Required field (which will automatically select the correct amount).
After you have selected the units to be added, click the Add to Cart button.
TIP To remove a single unit you will need to tick the box beside that unit, and click Remove Ticked Rooms. You can also remove all units selected at once by ticking the box next to room name and clicking Remove Ticked Rooms. If you remove all units, you will be redirected back to the original booking screen. |
NOTE When a room type is selected, it populates the number of guests automatically. The number of occupants is auto populated by iBex and is calculated from the maximum number of occupants included in the base rate of the rate shown (unless the room type or unit has a lower occupancy). If you wish to change the number of guests in any particular room, you can do so at any stage of the booking. |
To confirm the group booking, click Book after you have selected the room types and made sure dates and guests in each room are correct.
After booking is made, a full page showing the booking management tabs will display. The booking reference number will be listed on top of the page.
NOTE The group booking facility can allow a total quoted price to be used rather than the room price. See the FIXED PRICE tab above for more information on Grouped Total Price. |
When you add several rooms to a booking, iBex will automatically name the additional rooms the same as the Lead Guest name followed by a number.
To change the arrival and/or departure date for a single room or group of rooms, tick the box corresponding to that room and click Edit Ticked Room.
You may also change the following details of a room in a booking:
- Room Type
- Unit No
- Number of guests in room
- Rate Type
- Actual Rate value
- You can pin a particular unit.
After you make any changes to the room, click Save Changes.
Fixed Price
iBex can price a group booking by individual room charges or as a whole where the group is charged a total price which is split evenly between all rooms (regardless of which room type is used). This is set by selecting the “Enable Grouped Total Price” option on the top right hand corner of booking screen.
TIP You may overwrite the Total room price by entering new total price in the box and it will be split evenly between all rooms. |
The Grouped Total Price option can be changed at any time during the booking process whether the booking is already Confirmed in your system or at Quote stage by selecting the Disable Grouped Total Price option.
NOTE iBex uses the Group Total Price value that you enter to reverse calculate the required room rates so that the total room price matches the group price entered. If standard nightly rates are used, then this can cause rounding errors. For example, if you book 3 rooms for a total of $100. In this case, each room would be calculated as being $33.33 each or $99.99 when added. There would be a 1c rounding error. iBex attempts to mitigate the error by making the last room price equal to the group total price less the sum of all but the last room. This would make the last room 33.34 thereby ensuring no rounding error. |
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